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Meaningful Use of Technology: Social Media Or Online Education Through Educational Media

A Much Needed Transformation In Education System

In the last few years, the whole world has made great strides in the field of technology. In particular, the use of the internet has, in one way or another, succeeded in uniting all aspects of human life in a short period of time. However, at times we do not seem to be able to take full advantage of the online resources available to us. Under these circumstances it has become very important to understand how to use the available online resources wisely.

            Nowadays, most of the countries of the world have easily adopted a new method of exchanging information instead of exchanging idea through face-to-face visits, which we know as- Social Media.

The main question is why the whole world accepted social media in such a short period of time? The answer to this question may be the following.

(1) Mobile and internet have become an integral part of everyday life.

(2) In the midst of a busy lifestyle, there is little scope for meeting each other face-to-face.

(3) Staying in touch has become essential for maintaining family and business relationships.

(4) Sharing information using social media has become very fast and easy.

(5) Social media is also a means of entertainment for most people.

In short, social media has become a medium for everyone to turn their discomfort into convenience.

Today, when the whole world is grappling with COVID-19, many challenges have also arisen, one of which is the reform of the education system. With the exception of some developed countries of the world, classroom education is still highly valued today. But we know that classroom education may not be possible in the near future. In these circumstances, the only option we have is online education.

In the last one year or so, all schools, collages and other educational institutions have also started online education. However many questions are usually posed by students, professors as well as parents, some of which are as follows.

(1) Constant use of mobile or computer is causing side effects on a mental level.

(2) In addition to buying expensive mobiles, there is an additional cost for the internet.

(3) Online learning or online teaching is not as effective as classroom teaching.

(4) Question arise about irregularities being committed by students during online exams etc.            

            Thus, some discrepancies can be seen when we study in depth the increasing use of social media and to some extent the opposition of to online studies. But, it is very clear that some special methods and structures have to be developed for online education so that all students, professors and parents can access online education just like social media. If we succeed in doing so, it is possible that our future generations will spend more time in learning by making good use of the mobile, internet and online resources instead of spending time on social media. 

Here are some of my personal tips to turn our future generations to online education.

(1) Suggest students and professors to use the internet for online education in the present times instead of social media.

(2) Introduce students and professors to reputable online education related you tube channels, journals, websites and other global organizations.

(3) Professors should make their lectures more interactive.

(4) Professors should teach through video, chart, formulas and other short methods. If professor himself is unable to make a digital content, he should give a little more time and learn on his own or teach the students through online videos or charts of other reputed professors.

(5) Professors should record and study all their lectures. In addition the recorded lectures should be provided to the students of their own as well as other institutions for the purpose of study.

(6) Professors instruct students to make periodic presentations on different topic related to their subject using online resources.

(7) Students should refrain from all their other activities during the lecture period.

(8) Questions based on intellectual ability can be asked to prevent irregularities in the examination.

(9) Mobile or computer must be used for a specific time during the day instead of constantly using it for online education.

In addition to the above, there are many other tips to make online education more interesting. You can also submit your invaluable suggestions here.

If we can turn social media users in one way or another into a streamlined and interesting online education, it will be the greatest achievement of our education system.

Blog By: Dr. Dharmesh N Adhyaru


Ph. D. Microbiology